Here is a blog post to remind you that self-care is important. Part of self-care is being kind to yourself. You shouldn't let the small things in life bother you but you should look for the silver lining in the areas of your life that shine hope for better opportunities. I'm not a professional and I don't claim to be, here are just some observations that I have made as I set out on this journey of self-care in my own life/ Hopeuflly I can remind you to do the same.
Don't sweat the small stuff
Oh no, you forgot to set the alarm and overslept again. Now you're going to be late to class or that meeting for work. What can you do to avoid running in late? Try getting your stuff ready the night before. That way in the morning you don't have to sweat the small stuff.
Forgive yourself
It's okay to make mistakes. Sometimes you can put your foot in your mouth or be forgetful. There's nothing wrong with you, you just make mistakes sometimes. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and put those moments behind you. You're not there anymore.
Use positive self talk
Many times when you're performing a task you might find yourself talking yo yourself.. Sometimes self talk slips out in negativity and you have to catch yourself. Phrases usually beginning with "I am" and end with "stupid" or "not good enough" should be replaced with positive phrases such as "I am capable of learning this." You might feel stupid but you're not stupid.
Go purse shopping
Purse shopping isn't just fun but it is also healthy for your shoulders. According to this post, your purse can get heavy and weigh on your shoulders giving you back problems. It's a good idea to change your purse from time to time or try buying yourself a new one.
Treat yourself with treats
I'm all for eating healthy and exercise but every now and then you should treat yourself with treats. Don't make yourself feel bad for going a little overboard on the sweets. Just set a time to endulge and you will feel better about your weight and yourself the next time you try on those skinny jeans.
Go on self care trips
Sometimes when life gets too busy and you get too stressed it's a good idea to plan a self care trip to get your mind off of things. A self care trip such as to the beach or camping can be a good way to regroup before getting back to the fast pace of life.