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    Monday, February 22, 2021

    11 Blogging Tips for Beginners

    Starting a blog is a fun and exciting experience. Chances are you have a lot to say and you will need to build up your audience to get your message across to your readers. It doesn't matter what topic you have to blog about, here are just a few tips you can follow to help you become a better blogger if you're a beginner. 

    1 Niche down 
    There are so many great topics out there like blogs about blogging, fashion, food, travel, and your dog. However, it's not a great idea to talk about all of these things at once because it will ruin your SEO with Google. Choose a niche that you enjoy writing about and stick to that. This is a lifestyle and travel blog. I focus on looking for budget-friendly ways of living and traveling for the average person. 

    2. Know your audience
    Decide who your audience is early on because it will make it easier for you to write. Are you writing to college female students with a dog for companionship or are you writing to working adults who need quick and budget-friendly ideas for recipes? Once you figure out who you're writing to it will be easier to come up with ideas that target that audience and Google will reward you. 

    3. Write great conten
    Maybe you have heard the saying, "Content is King" and it's true because when you write great content your audience will come back for more. Blogging is all about helping the reader. Think of topics that will bring value to the reader and help them solve a problem. Maybe you can write a story for a college student who has a pet and needs to know the best chew toys and dog food for her small dog. Create a blog post that answers these questions and your readers will appreciate that. 

    4. Write a long form 
    Shoot for 800 - 1000 words blog post because blogging is meant to be read. Google will reward you in search ranking for long and detailed blog posts about a specific topic. 

    5. Use keywords 
    When stumped for thinking about great ideas to write about, use Google to find keywords to help you find topics that people usually search for. Use the recommended search results at the bottom of Google's page and input keywords into Google's keyword planner to help you target search terms that people are searching for SEO-friendly content. 

    6. Write great headlines 
    Write brief headlines that explain your article in concise words. Include the keywords in your headlines for SEO targeted search terms and Google will rank you for them. 

    7. Use great images and Alt text
    Studies show that people are more likely to read blog posts with images in them. Take your own pictures or find creative common images on websites like Unsplash or pixels for beautiful photographs that add a visual element to your blog. Adjust the alt text in your settings to make your post more discoverable on Google. 
    8. Use good grammar and spelling 
    Always be sure to use great grammar and spelling in your blog posts. No one likes to read poorly written blog posts and it's good for Google because it will recognize that your blog posts are professional and well written. I like to use Grammarly to help me proofread my blog posts. 

    9. Create an email list early on
    Creating an email list is a great way of building an audience that is your own. It's not like social media because even though social media's audience is more sporadic, you get to collect emails from people who want to hear from you. Give them something of value in return for their email, like a free ebook, a PDF, a checklist, or a course and when they sign up they permit you into their inbox and become your tribe. You might even be able to convert them into customers in the future. 

    10. Write lists 
    Google loves lists. Write a list like this blog post and expand your readers' knowledge with valuable content. Google will reward you for the SEO-driven list article with more traffic to your blog. 

    11. Have fun
    Write about topics that are meaningful to you. When you write about things that you care about people will notice the passion in your tone and appreciate your writing all the more. Be sure to be friendly and conversational in your blogs because this isn't a professional setting it's just a place for you to build your audience around a topic that you love. So go and have fun following these tips for beginner blogs. 

    If you liked this blog post and you thought it was helpful try signing up to my email list at the top of this blog. You will get a 100 FREE lifestyle blog post ideas to start your blog in 2021. 

    1 comment:

    1. I love these blogging tips! These are so helpful for someone starting out! Great post!


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