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    Monday, July 27, 2020

    Traveling through Heritage Nature Conservancy park

    Many tines I like to take the camera out and just shoot pictures by the hip.

     When I go outside I find that I am attracted to taking travel photographs of people in nature. I really love the outdoors because it's refreshing to spend time outside. Especially after a hard day, spending time in nature can make me feel at peace again. So when I take my camera outside to Heritage Nature Conservancy I find people from different walks of life spending their time in different ways. Some mother's let their children loose in the jungle gym and you will catch them snapping pictures of their toddlers first steps. You will also see youth gliding past on their skate boards after a long day of work in the grocery store or you will see bikers strolling past dog walkers on the trail. All of these scenes make me think of the health benefits that comes from spending time in nature. 
    Some of my favorite things about taking a break at the Heritage Nature conservancy park is sunbathing behind the leaves of the park, walking the trails and people watching. 

    When I take time to go outside to the park I like to spend time with my Nikon camera in this parks natural environment because I feel more at peace after a long hard day. There is something about taking in the fresh air and hiding behind the shade of the tall trees that frame the park that make me feel refreshed. I definitely feel my oxygen levels restablize and take a boost after spending an hour in the breezy greenery. 

    Moreover, I like the walking trails for their added health benefits many times you will see dog walkers and bike riders strolling past each other on warm days. I have met a few people on these trails and they all share the same love of nature as me. One friend Mary tells me she likes to spend time outside in the park before work and just do yoga or walking around thr trail barefoot soaking in the sunrays that seep through the framed shade. She told me all about her decision to move to these parts on her own and why she loves spending time outside. She said she just needed a change and wanted to get away from the stripping heat in Texas as she found her way to Florida's humid breeze. Now a bagger at the local health food store she loves to spend her days in the natural flora and fauna as much as I do. 

    As I think about the other health benefits of walking trails, I realize how good it is to run, if not just walk the trails frequently. Walking to get your heart rate up is good for your health and I don't all of the time. I have lost so much weight from walking that I used to be a size nine pant size and have fine down to a size three in a matter of 13 months. I haven't even noticed how much weight I lost until one day I tried in my jeans to realize how baggy they were. To my amazement I have slimmed down two thirds of a size and have become so thin simply by just walking almost everyday. 
    Finally, as I recall the moments I spend at the park I realize how much I like to people watch. I like to spend time observing individual stories and thinking about where they come from. For example some stories are of mother's who let their children roam free in the jungle gyms. Many times you will see these moms taking pictures of their children documenting their first steps, or pushing them along the swing as their siblings squeal of excitement. Other times you will just see pairs of teenagers walking around and if you're sneaky enough you can hear tidbits of gossip about their life stories. One can already imagine the high school drama that unfolds from the lips of these teens as they unload themselves to their friends under the shaded frames of the Florida trees. 

    So after spending a long day inside, I find it necessary to get outside and enjoy the trails if the Heritage nature conservancy. Just to spend time outside with my camera in the warm breeze, walking the trails it just observing my surroundings are a great way for anyone to recharge in the great outdoors after a long hard day. 

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