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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    How to use Instagram to boost your blog traffic

    Instagram is a great place to share life experiences and photos. As a travel and lifestyle blog, I find that using Instagram helps me share my experiences with a community of people who also love using images to tell a story. The added benefit that Instagram lets you use filters to color your photos any way you like makes it all the more interesting when sharing pictures. 

    However, Instagram is a great tool for promoting your blog. Not only can you take pictures but you can use hashtags and promotions to get your blog noticed by many people. I will breifly explain to you how I use Instagram's SEO as a tool to drive organic traffic without promotions to my instagram and blog site. 

    After watching a Skillshare video by Sean Dalton, Travel photographer, I learned how to use Instagram's SEO to help me get my pictures noticed by thousands of people. All it takes is a little strategy and patience it all starts with counting your hashtags and then getting involved in the community. 

    When you count your hashtags, Instagram will let you post up to thirty hashtags per post. That means you can use any number of hashtags within those thirty hashtags to target the description for the subject that you want to highlight. If you use targeted hashtags you will get more eyes on your photos. For example, if you go into Instagram's search engine and type in a hashtag for #sunsets you will get a list of other hashtag suggestions that will also target sunsets in your interest. You want to shoot for a hashtag that gets at least 1 million views so that you do not have an over-saturated audience. That way you will get a chance for people to see your photo.  

    After choosing your target hashtags you can place them in the description of the photo after the caption. That is what Sean Dalton does. Then you can get involved with the community and like and comment on other people's photos within your target community. That way you will get more traffic to your Instagram and hence your blog. Always remember to answer comments and questions within one hour of posting. This is a good way of getting more traffic to your blog. 

    Another way of making sure that you get people to look at your blog is by remembering to add a link to your blog in the description of your Instagram account. If you don't already know how to do that you can head over to your Instagram settings and choose Edit Profile. Then you will find a place that lets you add your website. Copy and paste your blog URL here and hit the check mark at the top right corner; now it's saved. You will definitely get a lot more views following these SEO strategies for Instagram. I hope you have fun blogging! 


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