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    Wednesday, January 13, 2021

    Some of my favorite languages

    Growing up i recall having conversations with my parents about languages. I recall my Spanish speaking dad explaining to me the similarities between the romance languages and how cool it would be to learn how to speak them. (Those obviously include Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Catalan)  

    As for me, I'm currently trilingual. I grew up learning how to speak English in primary school in Florida. Then when I was seven, i met one friend whose parents became best friends with my parents and we grew up speaking Spanish at home. When I was 12 i taught myself how to read and write in Spanish. To solidify my studies i took a Spanish class in high school and later learned to actually speak Spanish after I graduated from high school on mission trips to Costa Rica. I didn't know how to speak a word of Spanish but I understood most if it. However, in order for me to do daily tasks like go to the grocery store, go to the bank, pay for my phone bill, i had to speak Spanish and it was very rewarding to come back home having accomplished the goal after four years if spending summers abroad to become fluent in a second language 
    Then, i met some people in Costa Rica who like to learn other foreign languages like French, German and Portuguese. I became inspired to learn French and found tons of recourses online, Facebook groups, and language exchanges.

    So i started to study French, German, Italian and other languages on Duolingo. I really like this recourse because I can spend as much time on it as i like to every day and I can return to it whenever the inspiration strikes to learn a language. It's convenient and it's free. 

    Once i became more fluent with French, i moved on to other resources i found in my public library. The library has grammar books and audio discs to help me learn grammar and phrases in French. Finally, i moved on to Assimil to help me get through my B2 level and i bought the C1/C2 DALF book for native fluency. 
    Language learning for me hasn't always been easy. Sometimes things in life come up and i have to postpone my studies for a later time to take care of other responsibilities. But i find that when I get bored, i end up browsing on Duolingo and start racking points to make conversations online from home. It's not very hard and it's a fun outlet i like to turn to to help me gain knowledge of other languages and cultures. I feel smarter for being more open minded to cultures that are different than my own and that's special. 

    What are some of your favorite languages? What languages do you aspire to learn and how do you achieve these goals? Maybe we can chat about it some day. Even though I like to learn other foreign languages, i feel most comfortable speaking English, Spanish or French. 

    So feel free to leave a comment or message me on Facebook, here 

    Have a great day!

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