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    Thursday, January 30, 2020

    BA in journalism now what?

    As a budding writer, I found the need for structure to help me understand other writing techniques. So I did my BA in Journalism and Mass communications online. The courses superseded my expectations. I got to learn how to write and build a portfolio of magazine articles, blogs and two team publication websites that would make me look really good in front of employers. However, I do not think that journalism is the way for me to go for various reasons that I will talk about in another post. Essentially, I feel that my health and other aspects of my personal life do not make feel like I am the right fit for news writing right now. I want to become an author, so I did brief research in creative writing. I have not found any programs to my liking. I also considered committing to a history major and . as a way to research facts for my own personal projects for historical fiction novels but I think that might be a little excessive. If I do not do that I would like to pursue teaching English because it would be a great way of maintaining my proofreading skills.

    I also love art. I considered culinary school, art school, and nail tech. These are all different things avenues I could take with me into my writing career down the road but I will have to take the plunge. On one hand, I like culinary school because I feel close to my dad and younger sibling. However, we aren't so close so I don't feel as motivated to commit. I also love painting but I just do not see how I will ever pay the bills by painting canvases. However, I asked myself how I could ever become a nail tech and put food on the table. I never thought it was possible until I did a quick research on technical schools in my area. In fact, many technical schools offer cosmetology programs at affordable prices. Nail tech school would be something that I would commit to part-time because it would be a fun outlet to express myself and build a client-based relationship with other females who like to express themselves through their nail designs.

    I even considered a career in law: in law enforcement, the military, and security guard. I consider this in part for my own personal experience to exercise my interest for the public service. My parents were strict growing up, so I feel flashbacks sometimes when I consider going into the military. I am a reserved, petite 5' 0" young twenty-something. I know everyone is different and I might not be the strongest, fastest, or the quickest but if I ever do go into the military, I will have to conquer my fears and just go.

    In the meantime, I am praying, waiting and listening to how my heart inclines towards my needs and desires.

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