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    Tuesday, June 2, 2020

    Photography per chance?

    Recently I have been doing some soul searching and deciding what else I can do with my career in mass communications and journalism. Due to personal events, I find it very hard to concentrate while reading. I feel that this is not something I should take personally because all of my life I was an A-plus student. I attended a magnet program in elementary school, I had high honors in high school and finished college with excellent grades. Becoming a professional is important to me because all of my life my parents have said, "stay in school". School is probably the best outlet for success for many in our country. I do not want to let them down as being a professional is important. 

    Therefore, I have taken to the arts. I feel that working with images is a great relief for my mind personally. I have suffered many headaches while studying and feel that I will do myself a service by thinking about the other outlets there as a professional artist. For example, anyone who loves to paint can become an artist and illustrator; a seamstress can take classes for tailoring and a cook can take classes for becoming a chef. All of these outlets do not really require much reading and will let students flourish in their creativity. In my case, I took up photography. I love taking photos and I even took photojournalism classes while in college.  SKillshare has also become a welcomed asset to my professional career in communications and as soon I could afford my own DSLR camera I got one that lets me take beautiful photographs for professional photography.  I'm excited as I recently created a portfolio of works that anyone can look at here and here. My hope is to become a freelance nature/landscape amd lifestyle photographer. I enjoy taking photographs of themes that tell a story. 

    Recently, I saw a video of a YouTuber, Brandon Woelfel share his style of portrait photography and I am so enthralled by what he does. I could only imagine to ever take photos like him one day. What especially catches my eyes is the way he uses light and color to frame his subjects in a breathtaking display of motion.

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